
Ministry of Education
Curriculum learning area
Technological area
NZQA standards
None listed
Added 3 years, 6 months ago
Updated 2 years ago


Tautī mai rā kei ngā mati hangahanga rau a Māui ki tēnei kaupapa e kīia nei ko, Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko. Tau mai rā Ngāi Māminga, Ngāi Pākiki, Ngāi Pīkoko ki te takuahi, ki Hangarau Matihiko. Nau mai rā ki te mahanatanga o Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko ki konei ako tahi ai, wānanga tahi ai ngā āhuatanga matihiko huhua kia whitawhita tonu. Tēnā koutou katoa.

Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko - the National Digital Readiness programme has been developed to ensure teachers and kaiako are ready to implement the new digital technologies content.

The programme is inspired by the legend of Māui, his kuia Mahuika, and how the source of fire was discovered. Māui was curious, brave, determined and had a great desire for things to work a bit better. #belikeMāui Mahuika was reflective, patient and insightful. #belikeMahuika These are characteristics that teachers throughout Aotearoa can use to help ignite the future of all our tamariki so they can become creators and innovators of digital technologies, not just users.


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