To support New Zealand teachers, and with the support of the Ministry of Education - Network of Expertise project we have established a National Lending Library program that will give you access to the latest equipment for your classroom.

This program enables you to integrate a huge range of exciting and motivating Digital Technologies educational equipment into your classroom.

You can request to borrow, for free, a selection of Digital Technologies educational equipment, that is accompanied by lesson plans, based on the Digital Technologies Curriculum Content as part of the Revised Technology Learning Area 2017, designed for different age groups and mapped to relevant Progress Outcomes for Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes and Computational thinking for Digital Technologies in the New Zeland Curriculum: Digital Technologies curriculum content.

The library kits are designed to complement what is the curriculum to support schools to upskill and provide opportunities for students to move from consumers of digital technologies to the makers and creators of digital technologies.

Beebot Kit (5 units, Years 0-3)

Makey Makey Kit (20 units, Years 4-7)

Micro:bit Kit (30 units, Years 7-10)

Byte-Ed Play Code Learn - Dinosaur Steps (6 class sets, years 0-3)

To register your interest click here

This has been made possible through the Digital Technologies Teachers Aotearoa, University of Canterbury Computer Science Education Research Group and Ministry of Education, Network of Expertise.