PLD Focus - NCEA Digital Technologies Level Two

9 March Online based in Regional Hubs throughout the country 10am-3pm

Information will be made available through

This is to enable Digital Technologies Teachers to work together in regions to understand and develop their growth in teaching the NCEA Level 2 standards. This is the follow on from last years workshop18 NCEA Level One.

27 February - Lead up webinar,

We ask that you watch the Technology Online webinar as it provides a good introduction to the new NCEA Level Two achievement standards, and a foundation to the discussions moving forward. Webinar and slides available at

Regions signed up

Regional Hub Coordinator

Regional Hub Location

Shane Fairhall

Wellington Girls College (Wellington/Hutt Valley)

Dusung Jeung

Auckland (West, City, North Shore)

Western Springs College

Lisa Purda

St Peter’s College (Palmerston North)

Alister Gray

Southland Girls High School (Southland Hub)

John Creighton

Burnside High School, Christchurch

Steve Clark

Northland TBC


If your region is not on this list and you would like to host an event please email urgently.


To register for DT2019 sign up here


Te Hōtaka o Te Hui | Event Schedule


Wā Tīmata | Start Time

Te Hōtaka | The programme

10.00 am  

Nau mai! Welcome

Using zoom connection to regional hubs from exec (connecting everyone)

10:30 am  

Regional Hubs

  1. Review the standards

  2. Collate any questions about the standards that need clarification,

  3. How could a programme of teaching and learning be created using these standards.

  4. Posting unresolved questions back to the executive to answer.

12:00 pm  

Kai o te Rānui | Lunch


Getting the answers - zoom connection

1:30pm  - 3:00pm

Developing a resource to share with the hub/national.


Discussion on external CAT process and proposed L1-L3 possibilities


Sharing and evaluation

Lunch will be funded by the DTTA Executive

Expert Panel who will be available online will be:
Gerard MacManus
Julie McMahon
Chris Dillon
John Creighton

What you need to do…

We ask that you watch the Technology Online webinar as it provides a good introduction to the new Level Two achievement standards, and a foundation to the discussions moving forward.

Webinar and slides available at

You will also need to have access to the Level Two Achievement Standards and Assessment Resources. These have been provided as a zip file.

Level Three Achievement Standards and Level Three Assessment Resources are available, but not the focus for DT2, this will be in 2020

Think about what a teaching and learning program could look like for your school, is there a natural flow of learning that leads to assessment, what type of teaching and learning will be needed to support the students, and what does assessment look like, single assessment or integrated assessment. Digital technologies Matrix.

The challenge for the day will be to stay on task. It is also a great way to meet others within your region and start to discuss what other forms of PLD could be developed within your region.

Please Note:

The DTTA Executive apologies for the short timeframe, but is operating under tight timeframes ourselves eg. the release of the externals, publishing of the level 2 and 3 resources, and the desire to get this out to people in an meaningful timeframe so that teachers can implement this as early as possible in term 2 onwards.

The main focus for the committee is to get as much information as possible out to as many teachers as possible and at the same time strengthen the regional development and grass roots of the DTTA community.

Ngā mihi nui

DTTA Executive